AGE: 16, 9-12-61
ADDRESS: 3837 Boston
San Diego, CA 92113 264 3515
INCIDENT: 19 Feb 78 Sunday ~ 1 A.M.
Address - ~ 8th & National - gel together
Andy was arguing with family members. Decided to leave. Getting ready to run looked back at brothers (Bobby & Arther) turned around and a police officer said nothing released the dog which bit me on inside my upper left arm and on left side rib cage. Dog was then leashed in by patrolman. "Why did you sic the dog on me", "No, you ran into the dog".
Arther said "Its a family affair". Arther handcuffed and placed in car. Andy was handcuffed. Bobby stated it was a family argument. His head was beaten against the car. A patrolman hit Bobby on the head with a baton. He was handcuffed and placed in patrol car. Larry's wife approached me to ask for my father's phone number. She was knocked to ground and picked up by the hair.
Larry's wife handcuffed and put in patrol car.
Larry was kicking the door. Police told him to settle down, hitting him on the legs with clubs.
Larry handcuffed (and put in patrol car.)
A patrol man bandaged me up.
Was not read his rights
Released at 3 AM and sent home in patrol car. Told him to see a doctor.
Get a tetanus shot
No charges.
Bobby - 4 charges
Arturo - 2 or 3 charges
Larry ?
Larry's wife ?