What? How is it gonna be great when they resort to stealing plot points from an unreleased video game?
I didn't attack anybody personally, just talked about why I didn't like the show. Soon, I started receiving negative and disrespectful personal comments in return, as well as people telling me to go away. There was this account named "Jawan Kasfartan" who claimed to be an expert in canon, but kept getting things all wrong. When I called him out on it, he began following me to other pages and harassing me.
"Watching Discovery is like going to the Hawaiian islands to have fun, when all of a sudden volcanoes start erupting, but instead of lava, they release the Earth's secret reserve of poo-poo. You try to run from the poo-poo, but it's too late. Because the poo-poo is moving as fast as a pyroclastic flow, this "poo-pooclastic" flow quickly catches up to you and you not only get poo-poo all over yourself, you also suffocate in the poo-poo, and because you cannot breathe the poo-poo, you die.
Billions of years later, alien archaeologists dig up the now hardened coprolite fossils that incase you and put it on display in the museum, like you were from Pompey, calling you "The Poo-poo person" This is what it is like to watch Star Trek Discovery."
I blame CBS for taking advantage of the earlier media reports and allowing fans to dismiss other fans who dislike Discovery as bigots or trolls. They sent cast and crew members to the media to address the racism instead of Klingons and canon, and now that's all this shit has become. Because of that I have absolutely no intention of returning to the franchise unless CBS acknowledges this, nor will I return for any Picard series or whatever else comes and I'm now even boycotting the Late Show, even though I love Stephen Colbert, because CBS obviously doesn't care about losing viewers. I also will continue to talk shit about STD online because fuck those haters, I have the freedom to say whatever I want as long as it doesn't promote violence.