I'm simply chronicling Discovery's ratings and comparing them to The Next Generation's ratings. I get Discovery has been out on streaming for three years, but for Star Trek, they should be getting larger numbers than this on television. Updated weekly with the current week underlined. Because Discovery only has 15 episodes in its first season, I've only included the first 15 episodes of TNG. Enjoy laughing with me!
Encounter at Farpoint: 15.7 million
The Naked Now: 11.5 million
Code of Honor: 9.5 million
The Last Outpost: 8.9 million
Where No One Has Gone Before: 10.5 mil
Lonely Among Us: 12.1 million
Justice: 12.7 million
The Battle: 10.5 million
Hide and Q: 11 million
Haven: 10.3 million
The Big Goodbye: 11.5 million
Datalore: 10.3 million
Angel One: 11.4 million
1100100: 10.7 million
Too Short a Season: 10.9 million
Vulcan Hello: 9.6 mil (2017)*; 1.7 mil (2020)
Battle of the Binary Stars: 1.679 million
Context is for Kings: 1.815 million
Butcher's Knife Cares Not: 1.815 million
Choose Your Pain: 1.368 million
Lethe: 1.975 million
Magic to Make the Sanest: 1.850 million
Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum: 1.890 million
Into the Forest I Go: 1.583 million
Despite Yourself:
The Wolf Inside:
Vaulting Ambition:
What's Past Is Prologue:
War Without, War Within:
Will You Take My Hand?:
Average views: 10.4 million
Average views: